Tehran Dementia Imaging Course
Course Description Program Objective General Program Outline Target Audience Teachers Date & Location Course Description This is a 2-days course. The purpose of this multimodal neuroimaging course is to provide research both clinicians and scientists with an in-depth understanding of the fundamental principles, inherent limitations and clinical applications of the most prominent neuroimaging modalities in […]
Sari Intermediate MRI Course
[dt_sc_tabs_horizontal] [/dt_sc_tab] [dt_sc_tab title=”Course Description”] In Sari Intermediate MRI Course, fundamentals of MR physics, imaging techniques and pulse sequences are explained, beginning with the basic concepts of signal and contrast formation, as well as equipment and hardware necessary to interpret clinical images. [/dt_sc_tab] [dt_sc_tab title=”Program Objectives”] Through MRI physics education in the intermediate level, the […]
Parameters of MRI Imaging with Clinical Approach
[dt_sc_tabs_horizontal] [/dt_sc_tab] [dt_sc_tab title=”Course Description”] Parameters of MRI Imaging with Clinical Approach The use of magnetic resonance (MR) imaging is growing exponentially, in part because of the excellent anatomic and pathologic detail provided by the modality and because of recent technologic advances that have led to faster acquisition times. Radiology residents now are introduced in […]
Intermediate MRI Course
[dt_sc_tabs_horizontal] [/dt_sc_tab] [dt_sc_tab title=”Course Description”] Intermediate MRI Course One of the biggest goals of the medical community is early diagnosis and evaluation of response to non-invasive treatment such as MRI. Due to the importance of this, our medical community needs training professionals to work With the MRI device and interpret the images related to it. […]
Cardiac MRI
[dt_sc_tabs_horizontal] [/dt_sc_tab] [dt_sc_tab title=”Course Description”] In this 4-days course, the basics of cardiac MRI will be described Such as routine cardiac MRI protocols, structural imaging, functional imaging, perfusion imaging, MRA of coronary arteries of heart and also how to make LGE images, practically. [/dt_sc_tab] [dt_sc_tab title=”Program Objectives”] The aim of this course is to grow […]
Breast MRI Course
[dt_sc_tabs_horizontal] [/dt_sc_tab] [dt_sc_tab title=”Course Description”] Breast MRI Course provides an overview of breast MRI imaging strategies, as well as the optimization of imaging strategies will be discussed. The goal is to have a profound discussion of the advantages and disadvantages and challenges MRI methods Conventional and advanced with focus on clinical practice. In this course, […]
Brain Tumor Mapping
[dt_sc_tabs_horizontal] [/dt_sc_tab] [dt_sc_tab title=”Course Description”] Brain Tumor Mapping course will cover the potentials of the latest MRI and MRS techniques in neurosurgical procedures for brain tumors and features invited scientific presentations on specific topics. In this advanced course, we aim to facilitate in-depth discussions and education on the current advantages, disadvantages, and challenges of promising […]
Basic MRI Course
[dt_sc_tabs_horizontal] [/dt_sc_tab] [dt_sc_tab title=”Course Description”] In Basic MRI course, fundamentals of MR physics, imaging techniques and pulse sequences are explained, beginning with the basic concepts of signal and contrast formation, as well as equipment and hardware necessary to interpret clinical images. [/dt_sc_tab] [dt_sc_tab title=”Program Objectives”] This course will teach MR technologists and radiologist basics of […]
Advanced Vascular MRI Course
Advanced Neuro MRI Course
[dt_sc_tabs_horizontal] [/dt_sc_tab] [dt_sc_tab title=”Course Description”] Advanced Neuro MRI Course One of the biggest goals of the medical community is early diagnosis and evaluation of response to non-invasive treatment such as MRI. Due to the importance of this, our medical community needs trained professionals to work With the MRI device and interpret the images related to […]
Advanced Multimodality Imaging in Ischemic Heart Disease (April 6, 2017)
Advanced Cancer MRI Course